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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

So I was driving home today from work, disappointed in the way things have been going in my life. I found myself wanting Burger King. I had an internal argument with myself again, but this time I lost.

Now I am sitting on the couch with my legs up (because they hurt) watching The Biggest Loser. To see the amazing changes in the last few left is absolutely amazing!!! I want to be that, I want to have that success story.

I also had my doctor's appointment today. My blood pressure was 130/90. I am not sure if that is good or not but it is down. I also didn't loose any more weight, but I didn't gain any either. So I am still at 15 lbs lost. I guess I should be hearing from my doctor in the next few days. I am actually nervous.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ok guys and gals, I'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I have been working crazy hours. Here is what has been going on...

I fell off the wagon again! I actually weighed myself in the late afternoon last Thursday and it said I gained a pound. I didn't update my weight loss tracker because I am trying to say it was because it was in the middle of the afternoon.

I go to the doctors on Tuesday to get my bloodwork done again. If my numbers haven't decreased I am suppose to be put on three different medications. I really don't want to be on anything. It is bad enough I forget to take the one pill I take now daily.

My motivation has decreased to barely anything. I never set up the motivation board my husband mentioned but I think I need to get on that ASAP.

I could really use all your help!!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I DID IT!!!! I lost 3 more lbs......

I am a day early weighing in but really wanted to do it today because I had a rough night last night. I was driving home from work at 8PM and starving. I needed to still eat dinner. I knew I was going to pass Wendy's, Taco Bell, and McDonalds. I had a full blown conversation with myself and just as the restaurants came up I was able to talk myself out of it.

When I got home I had a bowl of raisan brain and snacked on Pirate's Booty. I probably had more than I should of the Pirate's Booty but it was still better than the fast food chains. I am really proud of myself, but I also know that battle will come again soon and I feel like I might have a better chance of winning.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

DAY 21-

Just signed up with Walk with Walgreens. You log your steps and in return you have a chance to win prizes or just receive special offers and coupons. Since I am a coupon freak it was a no brainer for me. Now I just need to find my podometer!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

DAY 20-

So the weekends still prove to be the hardest. My husband and I were able to go out to eat just the two of us Saturday night. Don was craving Moe's so I suggested we go there. I ordered two Funk meisters with chicken which came with chips. Don also requested some queso. After I finished the tacos I went straight to the chips and queso. I had more than 1 but less then 20 chips before I decided I needed to stop myself. I grabbed the lid to the queso and thought lets bring it home for another time. Don wasn't finished so he continued to eat. Shortly thereafter he asked if I would be mad if he ate it all.... No I wasn't mad but it was really hard for me to sit there and wait for him to eat it all as I continued to hold myself back from drinking the queso and shoving chips down my throat. I had to do something, so I responded with will you be mad if I go to CVS while you finish up. He said no so off I went.

I was totally torn between spending time with my husband that we don't get often or making sure I didn't eat anymore unhealthy and not needed food. I think I made the right choice. I need to make myself better so that I can be the wife and mother my family deserves. I do wish that my husband would join me in this change though.

On another note, I was presented with a challenge to find a way that would provide another daily motivator. I struggled with creative ways to do this when my husband, out of the blue, suggested that we share his motivational board in our room. He said I could put the amount I already lost and images of what my goal is. I thought that was creative and a great idea! Now I just need to find what I am looking for to put on it.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

DAY 16-

Check it out.....I LOST 4 MORE LBS!!!!

Honestly I thought it would be more since I added the exercise in but I think it is in part because I have cheated slightly at least every day. I had that one bad day and now I crave the fatty foods again. Plus I still haven't gone grocery shopping.

This week I promise to continue the exercise when I can (since I have to work long hours) and not cheat 5 out of the 7 days. I am going to weigh myself every week. If I am loosing weight slowly then I may back off just because today was slightly disappointing.

Oh, question - I continue to have a dry mouth no matter how much water I drink. Does anyone know why?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

DAY 14-

I am still getting back on the wagon. I did really good yesterday but had three chocolate chip cookies last night. So far today I am also doing well, but since we didn't take anything out for dinner tonight I am not sure what supper will bring.

I have a walking partner today but not for the rest of the week due to my busy time at work kicks up at the end of the week. I will have to try to squeeze a walk in at lunch time.

The fact that I lost 8 lbs in a week was a really energy booster for me to get to exercising the few days following the news. I am not suppose to weigh again until the 17th, but I think if I find myself down I might weigh again. Just thinking it might be a boost for me when I am working 10-12 hours a day the next two weeks. What do you guys think? Is weighing myself a bad idea?